Our commitment to the environment

We’re making your meetings, conference, training days and celebrations greener by re-using, recycling and reducing waste. We are committed to making the environmental impact of Glaziers Hall as small as possible.


No Plastic

Since May 2019 we switched from buying glass bottled water to installing our own, in house bottled water system resulting in our no longer having to use or recycle over 20,000 bottles a year. As a prestigious venue we continue to serve water in glasses and our tea and coffee in china cups and mugs, because we believe it tastes better whilst adding to our green credentials.


we are delighted to announce that in addition to using recyclable paper we have also just started to trial pencils made from recycled newspapers, we cannot wait to get your feedback.



Movement sensors throughout Glaziers Hall help us turn off lights and air conditioning when the rooms are not being used. These are used both front and back of house.

Big windows in the River Room, Bridge Room and Thames Room let natural light flood in too.

We’re committed to running Glaziers Hall in the most environmentally way possible, whilst still delivering the exceptional events you know us for.

view our event spaces